Only realized today is 090909, quickly post something before the clock strikes 12am...
Today should be a very auspicious day,i can proof it right as today is a smooth sailing day for me, no major arguement at work ..haha ...LOL!Maybe everyone mood is also better today.
What to talk about for this special day? Love story???Me not good in telling story...I always cut everything it will ended up with a dead boring summary. Furthermore Poo daddy is not a romantic person...could not remember any romantic scene appeared before..
Guess most romantic thing i can mark is our anniversary, we dated on Valentines' day and our ROM also fall into Valentine's day.
Oh..i recalled...Poo daddy bought me first bunch of roses when we first dated on Valentins' day...
A very cute South Park "Kenny soft toy" and a pot of rose on my first birthday...I still keeping the "Kenny Chai" in our store room :P
The following birthdays ,Poo daddy also bought me flowers and gift....till we married, birthday present...anniversary present are becoming "upon request" LOL!
The below conversation always appears in our chat...
Poo Mame:"B...."
Poo Daddy:"Yes?"
Poo Mame :"How much u love me ah?"
Poo Daddy:"Love loh..."
Poo Mame :"How much love ler...Now love me more or last time?"
Poo Daddy:"Aiya..same...lah, no change."
Poo Mame :"Sure ah? If you got 100 Million love, how much is for me?"
Poo Daddy:" 50/50 la"
Poo Mame:" Why 50 only? The rest ler?"
Poo Daddy:"Oh i have to keep some for myself, my family mah.."
Poo Mame :"I want all la"
Poo Daddy:"ok la ok la...give u all la"
POO Mame then happily hugs Poo daddy....Then poo daddy will shake his head..Haha!!!
It's fun...though this keep on repeating!!!Haha!
But now the 50/50 rule changed to 50% for Poo Mame and 50% to little Poo ...Hooray!!!
Wish everyone 9~9~9, in chinese last forever.....
Our love stays young forever~ Muarksss~
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