Gary is one size smaller after few days suffered from Roseola.His cheeks are no more chubby and his Michelin rings on his arms are longer exist. As a mum, i always want him to be healthy plus ...chubby, greedy mame :)
I have been surfing on the net to look for recipe for gain weight..apparently most of people are saying Pediasure is good for growth. I'm still pondering to go or not to go for Pediasure when he is 1 year old. Pediatrician said all formula milk are the same , those high end product may have better marketing strategies and gimmics. But being a kiasu mum i always want to give the best for my baby if i'm affordable. Will it be too early to think now, Gary is only 9 months old :)
Kind a strange picture here, mame is dying to slim down but in the other hand is thinking all ways to gain baobao's weight.
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